Humble.js is a web framework built on modern technology stack with speed, security and scalability in mind.

It initially began with monolithic architecture and it has moved to microservice architecture that enables developers to adapt any microservice pattern that works best for them. By default it uses “decomposition by business capability” architecture.

The project was started in 2018 by @abumq and is continued to be developed, maintained and used in production.


Humble.js comes with a lot of features out of the box, some of them are listed below:


UI Microservice

Default Services

A lot of built-in microservices (on top of existing ones like database backup), some of them are listed below:

We at Amrayn Web Services use this framework in all our Node.js projects. We want speed, security and scalability out of the box as much as you do.


Current version 2.0.5

@humblejs/server and @humblejs/server2 is the core of Humble.js that incorporates all the components/services and utilise them accordingly.

Click here for more details


Humble.js CLI for your package.json. It comes in two flavours:

Click here for more details


Humble.js comes with various category of packages


These packages go hand-in-hand with humble.js server and client pages. These are useful to speed-up the development and data accessibility.


Various utility packages to aid the development.


Custom UI packages. You can completely ignore them if you want to use something else.


Pre-build page components that are shared across and can be used in your project. Some of these pages come with humble.js server.