
Demo component for wrapping components with fixtures and media.



yarn add --dev @humblejs/demo


By default humblejs-pkg new integrates the demo component.

<Demo> component takes fixture group and fixtures for each group containing props to mount component against.

Fake Fetch

Sometimes you will need to override fetch function to return a mocked JSON response for URL. This package provides a function to do that for you.

In fixtures.js you can define:

import { registerFakeFetch } from '@humblejs/demo';

const delay = 3000;

  '/api/item': {
    'name': 'sample-object'
}, delay);

Once registered, fetching /api/item from the page will return {name: 'sample-object'} object after 3000 ms

By default, delay is 0 i.e, it returns immediately without a wait.

Create Items

You can create items by using createItems to create JSON objects.

Following function is just a helper to create a single item that we can use with createItems

const createSingleItem = idx => ({
  id: idx,
  name: `item-${idx}`,
import { createItems } from '@humblejs/demo';

Now you can use createItems

createItems(11, 10, createSingleItem)

Above function will run createSingleItem for index 11 to 21 and return array of items.