Paypal Button

Paypal button that takes payment via PayPal gateway



yarn add @humblejs/paypal-button


Name Type / Description Is Required? Default
env string (sandbox, production) NO production
client shape(sandbox, production)

Client key for relevant environment
amount number

Amount to be charged for the payment
currency string (AUD, USD, CAD, EUR, NZD, GBP) NO AUD
commit bool

NO true
onSuccess func

Callback when payment was successful
onError func

Callback when payment errored
onCancel func

Callback when payment was cancelled
shape string (pill, rect)

Shape of button
NO pill
label string (‘pay’, ‘checkout’, ‘buynow’, ‘paypal’)

Label of button
NO paypal
size string (medium, large, responsive)

Size of button
NO medium
layout string (horizontal, vertical)

Layout of button
NO vertical
color string (gold, blue, silver, white, black)

Color of button
NO gold

See styles @

How to use

  1. Create new paypal app in the dashboard and obtain Client ID and secret.
  2. Pass the client ID to this component and select the correct environment (sandbox or production)
  3. Store secret key on the server side securely
  4. Implement onSuccess for the component and verify payment on the server side
  5. Mark payment as successful only after server verification

This component has been fully tested with sandbox account.

Server-side Verification

You will need PayPal Node.js SDK on the server

yarn add @paypal/checkout-server-sdk
// paypal-client.js
const checkoutSDK = require('@paypal/checkout-server-sdk');

function environment() {
   const clientId = process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID;
   const clientSecret = process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET;
   return new checkoutSDK.core.SandboxEnvironment(clientId, clientSecret);
function client() {
  return new checkoutSDK.core.PayPalHttpClient(environment());

And use this client

const checkoutSDK = require('@paypal/checkout-server-sdk');
const payPalClient = require('./client');

const orderID = ''; // payment ID or order ID

const request = new checkoutSDK.orders.OrdersGetRequest(orderID);

payPalClient.client().execute(request).then((order) => {
  console.log('Payment successful. Amount:', order.result.purchase_units[0].amount.value, JSON.stringify(f));
}).catch((err) => {
  console.error('error', err);

Now you may also save the order by order ID

The response look like following

	"statusCode": 200,
	"headers": {
	"result": {
		"id": "PAYID-LTH25ZY54J279526F323870C",
		"intent": "CAPTURE",
		"purchase_units": [{
			"amount": {
				"currency_code": "AUD",
				"value": "0.03",
				"breakdown": {
					"item_total": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.03"
					"shipping": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.00"
					"handling": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.00"
					"insurance": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.00"
					"shipping_discount": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.00"
					"discount": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.00"
			"payee": {
				"email_address": "",
				"merchant_id": "46T8JZE4VNF4A"
			"description": "",
			"shipping": {
				"name": {
					"full_name": "test buyer"
				"address": {
					"address_line_1": "1 Cheeseman Ave Brighton East",
					"admin_area_2": "Melbourne",
					"admin_area_1": "Victoria",
					"postal_code": "3001",
					"country_code": "AU"
			"payments": {
				"captures": [{
					"id": "0LM87903F7245960E",
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"amount": {
						"currency_code": "AUD",
						"value": "0.03"
					"final_capture": true,
					"seller_protection": {
						"status": "ELIGIBLE",
						"dispute_categories": ["ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED", "UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTION"]
					"seller_receivable_breakdown": {
						"gross_amount": {
							"currency_code": "AUD",
							"value": "0.03"
						"paypal_fee": {
							"currency_code": "AUD",
							"value": "0.03"
						"net_amount": {
							"currency_code": "AUD",
							"value": "0.00"
					"links": [{
						"href": "",
						"rel": "self",
						"method": "GET"
					}, {
						"href": "",
						"rel": "refund",
						"method": "POST"
					}, {
						"href": "",
						"rel": "up",
						"method": "GET"
					"create_time": "2019-05-06T03:50:21Z",
					"update_time": "2019-05-06T03:50:21Z"
		"payer": {
			"name": {
				"given_name": "test",
				"surname": "buyer"
			"email_address": "",
			"payer_id": "4DDJQTGYTCLS2",
			"phone": {
				"phone_number": {
					"national_number": "0368558274"
			"address": {
				"country_code": "AU"
		"update_time": "2019-05-06T03:50:21Z",
		"links": [{
			"href": "",
			"rel": "self",
			"method": "GET"
		"status": "COMPLETED"