
This page introduces you to the humble.js server which is the core of humble framework.


  1. Humble.js is a complete back-to-front web server powered by most popular libraries. These libraries are used internally and developers are not bound to any libraries (see scalibility below). They only needs to map the components/pages to routes (via simple JSON format). Humble.js comes with built-in frameworks for RESTful api, database and task automation. You can use your pre-existing react components or create your own one with humble.js’s frontend framework (using humblejs-repo CLI) to speed up the development.
  2. Your humble.js app will be a fork of latest humble.js source (managed with git) and is easily upgradable with minimal or no conflict. As long as you don’t change files starting with __ you should be able to smoothly update to latest version of humble.js simply by doing yarn humblejs:update from the root.
  3. humble.js comes with built-in database support (mysql by default) and provides you features to query the records without having to write your schema etc. This also means SQL injection prevention without having to worry about it.
  4. Most importantly, humble.js is not just react framework, it is end-to-end web framework for your website that uses react for the frontend.

Humble.js is focused on isomorphic javascript development, helping you make it all with javascript, from database layer to api to frontend rendering and styling.

Hopefully, soon there will be a fully working demo up and running where you will be able to experience a lot of humble.js’s built-in features.


Smooth development is one of the main reasons why you would want to use it instead of writing your own. Humble.js follows a specific pattern that makes your application highly efficient for development across many teams.

With release of version 2, the development is even easier. Each service is in it’s own directory/package and does not depend on one another. The only time it depends is when they actually need to talk to each other, but that’s mostly the last step because you would use RESTful client to test your package (unless you take TDD approach which we highly recommend).


Humble.js comes with debugging support


humble.config.js is the base file for your project’s humble.js implementation. This is javascript file instead of plain json file. This gives you flexibility of using external dev packages.

Config Name Description
scope Packages scope for your project. This is used when creating new packages, upgrading the packages and while building
version Version of your app. You wouldn’t change package.json’s version, as that is specific for the humble.js’s (the server framework) version
remote Object that specifies the remote config. name, user, host, port, dest, privateKey and keep are the possible properties of this object. This is used with @humblejs/server deployment process
serviceWorker Configuration related to service worker and progress web app. enabled, cacheControllers and cacheUrls
pageMapping Page to package mapping for custom pages. For example, if some of the pages do not use packages from scope, you can specify here.
disabledApi You can disable any humble.js built-in API by adding the identifier here. For example ['USERS.SIGNUP'] will disable signup API, ['USERS'] will disable all the user related API (signin, signup etc)

Sample file

module.exports = {
  scope: 'sample', //  allows packages like @sample/pa-homepage
  version: '1.0.0', // your app version

  deployments: {
    default: {
      port: 3080,
      cronmasterPort: 9000,
      pmaPort: 3084,
      stack: [

  // any custom mapping for your components that do not use humble.js's
  // defined format (i.e, @SCOPE/pa-<PAGE_NAME>)
  pageMapping: {
    Homepage: 'fe-pa-homepage',

  // Any API you want to disable (that come default with humble.js)
  disabledApi: [


  serviceWorker: {
    enabled: false,
    cacheControllers: [
      // list of controllers to cache by service worker
      { url: '/', controllerId: 'homepage' },
      { url: '/about', controllerId: 'about' },
    cacheUrls: [
      // list of urls to cache by service worker